Awards, Honors, Publications and Accomplishments

Awards, Honors, and Accomplishments

To date, each client and employer that I have worked for has expressed complete and utmost satisfaction and gratitude for my services. Some of the letters of recommendation and approval that I've received from a variety of individuals and businesses throughout the years can be reviewed below.

Intel Perceptual Computing Challenge Grand Prize Winner

To help promote a newly conceived perceptual camera and SDK, Intel hosted a global competition that called on developers to create functional prototypes using motion tracking and other features of the camera. After a short development period, Intel selected my entry (Magic Doodle Pad) as one of the three grand prize winners (the other two being from the UK and China). This prototype was developed in just two weeks using a new language and SDK that I had no prior experience with.

Magic Doodle Pad Competition Winner - Intel

Technical-related Honors

Windows 8 & Ultrabook™ App Innovation Contest Winner (Gaming Category)

In late 2012, Intel sponsored a worldwide competition for developers to create apps that utilized its forthcoming Ultrabook™ sensor technology. From a bank of 700 entrants and approximately 200 finalized submissions, the judges selected my game (Ballastic) as the winner in the Gaming category. The game was featured in a booklet at Consumer Electronics Show '13 as well as other publications including an Intel case study.

"A well-deserved congratulations on winning the Gaming category of the AppInnovation contest. Your app was a personal favourite of a number of judges. Innovative, well polished, and frankly addictive." - Chris Maunder (

Ballastic Game Competition Winner (CES 2013) - Intel

Ballastic Game Competition Winner (CES 2013) - Intel

Golden Cattail Award - Marshfield Clinic

"In recognition of your hard work and attention to detail in creating the order program for the annual Fine Art and Laminate calendars."

Golden Cattail Award - Marshfield Clinic

A Deed Made A Difference - The Diagnostic & Treatment Center

"Matt is always so responsive and helpful with any requests I have pertaining to The DTC website. He gets things done so quickly and with expertise..."

A Deed Made A Difference

Marshfield News-Herald Column - February 2011 (Upham Mansion)

For my volunteer work with the Upham Mansion, including digitizing and archiving historic media and maintaining the Upham Mansion website, I was named "Volunteer of the Year" for 2010.

Marshfield News herald: Upham Mansion

PCZone Magazine (01/2007) - Freeware Game of the Month

PCZone Magazine ("Britain's Best PC Games Mag") featured and reviewed one of my game projects in their January 2007 magazine (page 120). The game was named "Freeware Game of the Month" and was also included on the PCZone disc compilation. Furthermore, the game was featured in Germany's biggest selling game magazine (Bravo Screenfun), Retro Gamer and placed second (missing first place by 0.01 points) in an international online development competition.

"Packin' Plax is a near-perfect puzzler that remains every bit as addictive and fun as its retro predecessor."

PCZone Magazine

Marshfield News-Herald Column - April 2006 (M.A.C.F.)

Dean Markwardt of the Marshfield Area Community Foundation has written regular columns for the Marshfield News Herald. In April 2006, his column was about the launch of the new Foundation Web site—developed by myself. A paragraph was spent describing my technical skills.

"The web site was designed for us by Matt Pilz, a very talented young man..."

"We are very grateful to Matt for his time and talent."

Marshfield News Herald (MACF Column)

Marshfield News-Herald - Web Wiz Upgrades School Site

Marshfield News Herald featured me on the front page in their December 12, 2004 edition of the daily paper, along with their corresponding Web site. The article was to showcase the new School-to-Career section of the Marshfield High School site that I designed and developed.

"Matt Pilz, who has been designing websites for seven years, has updated the [School-to-Career] Web site."

"I asked for the best and the brightest."

Marshfield News Herald

Note: I also appeared in the Marshfield News Herald several times for my SkillsUSA accomplishments and for the Marshfield Area Community Foundation site launch announcement.

Healthy Lifestyles - Marshfield Area Coalition

"Matt Pilz has contributed volunteer efforts towards Healthy Lifestyles Coalition Web Site..."

Healthy Lifestyles Marshfield Area Coalition

Pulse Publication - Healthy Lifestyles Launches Web site

Pulse Publication (a weekly news publication of the Marshfield Clinic system) featured the Healthy Lifestyles Marshfield Coalition Web site in their September 23, 2004 publication. The article spent several paragraphs discussing the features that I integrated into the site along with the possible pitfalls that I avoided.

"We did not include any animations, sounds or other obtrusive objects that may distract [from] the content."

""Even after more than seven years designing websites, Pilz said he learns from each site he creates."

Pulse Publication

SkillsUSA - VICA

"Outstanding achievement in SkillsUSA state competition..."


SkillsUSA 2004 SkillsUSA 2002-2004 State Champion

2002 & 2004 State Champion
Technical Computer Applications
3-D Visualization and Animation

Dominant Ad Creator - Software Application

"Dominant Ad Creator Software Awards"

DAC Award DAC Award DAC Award
DAC Award DAC Award DAC Award

Older Technical-Related Awards and Certificates

Typing Speed Award Typing Speed Awards

"Assorted Keyboarding Awards (1999-2000)"

Brainbench Certificate Windows 98 Power User
"Brainbench - Windows 98 Power User"

Brainbench Certificate Keyboard Typist
"Brainbench - Keyboard Typist Certification"

Brainbench Certificate MS Outlook Express User
"Brainbench - MS Outlook Express User Certification"

Brainbench Certificate MS Windows 98 Navigation
"Brainbench - MS Windows 98 Navigation Certification"

Brainbench Certificate Flash 4
"Brainbench - Flash 4 Certification"

Brainbench Certificate MS Word 2000
"Brainbench - MS Word 2000 Certification"

Brainbench Certificate Computer Fundamentals
"Brainbench - Computer Fundamentals Certification"

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Academic-related Achievements

Bellevue University: Bachelor of Science Degree
"Bellevue University: Bachelor of Science Degree"

Bellevue University: Dean's Scholars List
"Bellevue University: Dean's Scholars List"

Milwaukee Area Technical College: A.A.S.
"Milwaukee Area Technical College: Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) in eCommerce/Web Administration"

Milwaukee Area Technical College: Technical Diploma
"Milwaukee Area Technical College: Web Designer Techincal Diploma"

High School Diploma
"Milwaukee Area Technical College Transcript"

High School Diploma
"Marshfield High School Diploma"

High School Report Card
"Final High School Report Card"

Assorted School Board Metals
"Assorted School Board Metals"

President's Education Awards Program Oustanding Academic Achievement Award
"President's Education Awards Program - Outstanding Academic Achievement"

MJHS Academic Excellence Award
"Academic Excellence Award"

Advanced and Proficient Award
"Advanced and Proficient on Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Examination"

MJHS Perfect Attendance Award
"Perfect Attendance Record "

MJHS Honor Roll Award
"Honor Roll Award(s)"

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